Terms &Conditions: terms and conditions/contract of enrolment. Fees, enrolment & refunds

In the event of a student failing to attend the confirmed course or complete the course for any reason other than in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled by THE TRADE ACADEMY, no refunds or deposits of fees fully paid will be made. Entitlement to a later date course will be gained at the discretion of THE TRADE ACADEMY course directors.

Fees are non-refundable but will be credited against the course fee.

The balance of the full course fee should be paid to THE TRADE ACADEMY on the agreed date set out in writing. Failure to comply with agreed payments may result in loss of secured course place and all prior payments are non-refundable.

Upon notification of the commencement date, no variation in the course date will be permitted without full payment of any outstanding balance and at least one month’s written notice being received by THE TRADE ACADEMY, who reserve the right to change and confirm another date – subject to availability. The applicant may make only one change of date.

All fees quoted attract and are including VAT (UK GOVERNMENT TAX) at the current rate of 20%. All fees must be received by THE TRADE ACADEMY without deduction, therefore any overseas/UK bank charges will automatically be added to the final balance payable. Educational courses are not exempt from VAT nor can VAT be claimed back by overseas students.

A student is accepted for enrolment on and subject to the conditions that the student will attend the THE TRADE ACADEMY on the commencement date and at the time specified in the confirmation letter which will be sent to the student upon receipt of the completed application form together with full payment.

Fees are not refundable if the course is interrupted or cancelled through an act of God or terrorist act.

Students will not be accepted on the commencement date unless full payment of fees has been made.

Course fees, deposits and other payments are non-transferable.

Hours, attendance & achievement

Classes will commence promptly at the published times irrespective of whether all students are present. Classes will not be delayed waiting for latecomers, and teachers are not responsible for repeating work missed. Latecomers may be requested to wait until a suitable break in teaching before entering a class. Class hours can be varied at the discretion of the THE TRADE ACADEMY’s Head of Academy without prior notice.

Paying for and/or attending a course fully does not guarantee a qualification, diploma or certificate of achievement. Awards of achievement are gained by the successful fulfilment of the criteria set out by the various awarding bodies. The decision of the Head of Academy is final in all cases.

Time off for official religious holidays, booked holidays, planned weddings, medical appointments etc. must be discussed and agreed before application. We recommend that all absence be avoided where possible.


It is not the responsibility of THE TRADE ACADEMY or individual teachers to provide additional teaching hours for students to ‘catch up’ on education missed due to lateness or absenteeism for whatever reason. However, THE TRADE ACADEMY will provide support where mitigating circumstances apply.

All course contents, their elements and fees are subject to change without any prior notice to students at the discretion of THE TRADE ACADEMY.

Students failing to complete their assessments, including after provision of additional assistance, during the term of their course will be charged by the hour for any further teaching/supervision/assessing. These sessions will be at the convenience of THE TRADE ACADEMY. Check with the Administration department for the current rates.


If any student behaves improperly on THE TRADE ACADEMY’s premises including any form of cheating during an assessment/exam, damages or removes any equipment belonging to the THE TRADE ACADEMY they will be asked to leave immediately.

Admissions Statement

THE TRADE ACADEMY is committed to achieving an educational and working environment which provides equality of opportunity, and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, disability, religious or political beliefs, age, sexual orientation or social or economic background.

The process of gaining admission to THE TRADE ACADEMY will be clear and transparent, and structured to allow ease of access to learners as appropriate to their needs. Information, advice and guidance will be available at each stage of the process so that prospective learners can make informed and appropriate choices. We will operate clear and consistent admissions procedures.

Whilst we aim to offer provision for all applicants, we recognise that for some learners THE TRADE ACADEMY, its programmed or facilities would not be the most appropriate. In these cases, we will endeavour to provide accurate information and impartial advice and guidance on alternative provision.