
Trade Academy have a vision for our learners of ‘Dream, Learn, Succeed’ which would be achieved through embedded IAG throughout the learner journey,from enrolment right up to progression on from Trade Academy services.

Effective IAG is essential for enabling individuals to take responsibility for their life choices and progress in learning and work. It is critical that Trade Academy staff give good careers advice if they are to help our learners raise their aspirations and fulfil the opportunities available to them.

Trade Academy is committed to ensuring that everyone who accesses our services are supported in making informed choices that may impact on their future career and life style opportunities.

Our IAG Mission

  • All learners will have access to good quality IAG around future learning and labour market opportunities.
  • Our staff will be suitably trained to deliver our services and support diverse needs.
  • We will tailor our services to meet individual needs, fully embedding equality and diversity considerations.
  • We will ensure learners understand about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed in getting and keeping a job.
  • We will use career and local labour market information to inform our services, ensuring our provision is relevant and supports individual progression.
  • Our curriculum based learning will be linked to careers advice and guidance, ensuring our offer meets learner needs and the demands of employers.

Information, Advice and Guidance Policy

It is the policy of Candor Professional Beauty Academy(Trade Academy)to ensure that all learners and prospective learners have access to accurate high quality impartial Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to enable them to make informed decisions, to achieve their full potential and succeed in life. It is Trade Academy’s policy to deliver our service in accordance with the nationally recognised matrix quality standard ( and we adhereto our principles which include:
  • Providing impartial, responsive, friendly and enabling information, advice and guidance services to our learners.
  • Being accessible and visible to our learners.
  • Ensuring that our staff are professional and knowledgeable to address our learners’ needs.
  • Making our learners aware of relevant IAG services.
  • Supporting learners to explore the implications for both learning and work in their future career plans.
In conjunction with these principles, our aim is to ensure that:
  • All members of the community have access to information, advice and guidance.
  • Services meet the relevant quality standard for learning and work.
  • All learners receive current, accurate and quality assured information which is inclusive.
  • We collect, use and share your feedback to continually improve the service.
We are committed to providing a confidential service to our customers andrespect that:
  • Our learners deserve the right to confidentiality to protect their interests.
  • By guaranteeing confidentiality, we safeguard the services of giving Advice & Guidance.
  • Trade Academy will handle information in compliance with GDPR and any current or subsequent human rights legislation, which guarantees a right of privacy.
  • Information will be shared within the organisation only.
  • We acknowledge that, on rare occasions, it may be necessary to break the basic rules of confidentiality. These may broadly be defined as situations where the safety, rights and liberties of other people or the person giving information may be seriously at risk.