The Four Different Types of Learners

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The Four Different Types of Learners

If you have a hybrid learning environment or a blended classroom for your learners, there is a chance that the learners may feel a little bit lost. At first, learners may hesitate to get used to this type of education style, especially if you don’t go for the right type of approach to help them learn. 

According to learning style theories, learners find it easier to understand things when information is presented in a certain way. In 1992, Fleming and Mills introduced a fresh model of learning known as the VARK model. This model claims that students learn through different methods. 

Although some experts criticized the application of this theory, many schools follow this approach to help students learn the right way. Therefore, we can say that this topic should be discussed, especially if your learners are having a tough time retaining information. 

According to many education experts, individual learning styles are essential for both teachers and parents. Today, students prefer coursework presented in a way that makes it easy to understand complex subjects. 

In this article, we are going to get a deeper insight into 4 learning styles that may suit your learners. Apart from this, we will also share some tips to help you make it easier for your learners to grasp the information. 

What are the four learning styles? 

There are four types of learners: visual learners, auditory learners, reading/writing learners, and kinesthetic learners. Let’s find out about each of these learning styles and the right approach to follow when presenting information before these learners. 

#1: Visual Learners 

Visual learners love to analyze and observe things, such as charts, diagrams, and pictures. In this case, information is presented based on the order of their importance. An easy way to identify these learners is to spot the students who are taking notes, making a diagram, or doodling. 

How to help Visual Learners? 

You may give a presentation or use a smartboard or whiteboard. However, you may want to make sure that Visual learners have plenty of time to analyze and absorb the information presented in the form of visuals. If possible, you may want to allow your learners to access supplementary handouts that provide details of the subject matter in the form of visuals. 

In addition, you may encourage these learners to think out of the box and draw diagrams, pictures, and doodles to reinforce retention. 

#2: Auditory Learners 

As the name suggests, auditory learners prefer a learning style that involves presenting information through sound. This type of learner takes part in a lecture actively. As you deliver a lecture or give a presentation, they will know node along or ask questions to get a better understanding. 

They don’t just take notes. Apart from this, this type of learner read aloud to themselves. They may also repeat things for better retention. 

How to help Auditory Learners 

If you want to deliver a lecture, don’t underestimate the importance of addressing your students directly. The idea is to help them take part in the conversation in an active manner. You may ask these learners to play their part. For example, you can ask them to provide details of a new subject that they have just learned. 

Similarly, you can ask some follow-up questions and give them plenty of time to respond. Apart from this, you can use audio recordings, engaging videos, and group discussions to engage this type of learner. This is how you can help auditory learners understand the subject matter. 

#3: Reading & Writing Learners 

Reading and writing learners prefer the written word. Therefore, they are attracted to articles, novels, textbooks, anything that includes a lot of text. Just like visual learners, you can easily spot this type of learner. You may find them taking detailed notes, consulting dictionaries, and using search engines to look for answers to their questions. 

How to help Reading & Writing Learners 

It is easy to engage reading and writing learners. All you need to do is help them write essays, conduct in-depth research, go through textbooks, and read novels. In other words, these learners prefer the conventional methods of learning the subject matter. 

Therefore, make sure that they get plenty of time to go through the written material. Similarly, these learners should get plenty of time to write down their ideas in a notebook. Alternatively, you can allow them to use a digital device, such as an iPad, to collect and present their ideas in the form of written words. 

#4: Kinesthetic Learners 

Kinesthetic learners are kind of tactical Learners. In other words, they tend to use all of their senses in order to learn something. You can easily spot this type of learner. While you are delivering a lecture for giving a presentation, you may notice that these learners find it difficult to sit still. Instead, they need a break from time to time even when there is not enough time to take frequent breaks. 

How to help Kinesthetic Learners 

If possible, you may allow kinesthetic learners to get up and move. For example, if you are delivering a lecture about Shakespeare, you can encourage them to get up and act out a scene. Apart from this, you may also come up with some learning games to engage these learners. 

Opt for the Right Learning Style

There you have it—a description of four types of learners. If you have a hard time teaching complex subject matters to your students or learners, we suggest you go for the best approach. This approach will help you keep these learners from getting off track. So, you may want to come up with a wide range of activities whether your learners are visual, auditory, reading and writing, or kinesthetic type. If you follow this approach, you will be able to help the learners have an enjoyable educational experience. 


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